Coaching has become a standard part of the organizational toolkit to help employees, managers, supervisors, executives both in their professional and personal development and achievement.
There is an emerging emphasis on coaching as an essential skill set for leaders. Coaching is widely recognized as one of the fundamental leadership styles that top leaders need in order to operate effectively.
Coaching is not about solving relationships, although problems will be solved. It is not primarily about improving performance, attaining goals, or achieving results although all of that will certainly happen in an effective coaching relationship. We believe that Coaching is primarily about discovery, awareness, and choice. It is a way of effectively empowering people to find their own answers, encouraging and supporting them on their path as they continue to make important choices. Coaching is about strength and capability, not weakness, helplessness, and dependency.
Fact Finding – It can include
Structured interview
Work Observations both large and small groups
We have certified coaches to use various behavioural profiling tools.
Behavirol Profiling Tools
Coaching has become a standard part of the organizational toolkit to help employees, managers, supervisors, executives both in their professional and personal development and achievement.
There is an emerging emphasis on coaching as an essential skill set for leaders. Coaching is widely recognized as one of the fundamental leadership styles that top leaders need in order to operate effectively.
Coaching is not about solving relationships, although problems will be solved. It is not primarily about improving performance, attaining goals, or achieving results although all of that will certainly happen in an effective coaching relationship. We believe that Coaching is primarily about discovery, awareness, and choice. It is a way of effectively empowering people to find their own answers, encouraging and supporting them on their path as they continue to make important choices. Coaching is about strength and capability, not weakness, helplessness, and dependency.
Fact Finding – It can include
Structured interview
Work Observations both large and small groups
We have certified coaches to use various behavioural profiling tools.
Behavirol Profiling Tools
Belbin Team Roles
PAPI:Personality and Profile Inventory
HR Chally
PIAV Report
Trimetrix Report
Hogans Assessment
Leadership Impact 360 Degree Feedback
OKR- Obective and Key Results
Gallup Strengths finder